...is to get all sick! Waaah! i hate this. but i guess... there are good things... one, i found an old, old friend in Friendster! i remember J (Jonalen back then) when we were still in high school... and when she came briefly for a visit... it was so nice to see her again! ;) and when i was looking through my stuff, i got hold of a letter without her address so i tried Friendster and there, connection again! i hope i won't lose touch na... ;) another thing, jovy's back... for a brief stay, but nevertheless glad that she's here... we already went out and it was really fun. and... parties! had one with work last Friday and one with Tsinays last night. had so much fun... but it's still hard to enjoy it all when you're under the flu... oh well... hope il get well soon na.
i realized i have not written anything about my dad in my blog... and he rightly deserves an entry here. because all my life, i'll be grateful for his determination and hard work that has gotten our family to what is it today. i'm especially proud of my dad in a lot of aspects. he knows three languages - english, pilipino and chinese (but in 4 dialects!). he learned wushu and know karate. he has loved only one woman in his life... and never was unfaithful. he never quarreled with my mom... maybe once or twice (that was a big fight) but still petty in today's standards. he traveled a lot but always for work. he loved his family a lot, even sacrificing his own wants to provide for us. he was a man of few words to us children, but he was a good host and a great conversationalist to his friends. i fondly remember one drama he played... he was tai fan shr in lau fu zh (excuse for the wrong pinyin) - a short bald man who was the main character's best friend. he was a good singer... and was almost great in everything. i will always remember him as such and even if he is bedridden now, can't speak and barely moves, i always feel so loved and am grateful because i know he has done a lot for us. i miss him terribly and want for him to recover. it's been seven years and counting. but i know God has a plan for him. i just wanted to share that for me, my dad is really the best father. even if we experience a bit of hardship right now, he will always be the best. as cheesy as it may sound, as long as my heart beats, my dad is always in my heart and in my thoughts.